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negative stress中文是什么意思

用"negative stress"造句"negative stress"怎么读"negative stress" in a sentence


  • 负应力


  • Often , these forces will accumulate and create a negative stress reaction
  • The finings are elaborated as the following : the stress level of teachers is moderate generally , however , further research shows that they are suffering more work stress ; they often use adaptation coping styles and sometimes these coping styles could be utilized beyond stress situations ; coping with the negative stress , they tend to adopt maladaptive coping ways ; they inclines to synthetically apply various ways and lay particular emphasis on each coping strategies under diverse contexts ; teachers from different background in different situations show that there are significant differences in different coping ways ; teacher " s general self - efficacy , social support , subjective stress and gender have different significantly predictive effects on different coping styles , and they might have more significantly predictive effects on certain type coping ways
  • The microscopic plastic deformation of the local crazes cause the change of crack opening loads . therefore , the fatigue crack closure concept could be introduced . a crack closure model of mdyb - 3 pmma were recommended and phenomenologically formulated for positive and negative stress ratios separately , according to the testing results of fatigue crack propagation
用"negative stress"造句  


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